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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.   This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Everyday Stressors that Affect Your Health & NAD+ Decline

Tru Niagen® is designed to help you bounce back from daily stressors such as:  

Benefits to Support Healthy Aging

✓ Increased Cellular Energy*

 Increased NAD+

 Heart Health*†

 Muscle Health*

 Cellular Defense*

 Cellular Repair*

† In combination with a healthy lifestyle.

Sleep Disruption


Excess Sun Exposure

Sedentary Lifestyle

"I pay a lot of attention to what I put in my body and Tru Niagen® has been a great supplement to add to my routine. It's great for cellular energy, cellular repair, and overall healthy aging. If you're going to take one supplement, Tru Niagen® is it!"

Brooke Burke
TV Host, Fitness Guru, & Mom

True user & paid spokesperson

Your Healthy Aging Journey Starts Today

Scientifically proven to increase NAD+*.

Backed by Nobel Laureates.

Researched by the world's leading scientific institutions.

Starts Working From Day One. Be Diligent in Taking it Every Day. Consistency is Key.

Unlike caffeine, Tru Niagen® is not a stimulant – it gradually builds your energy at the cellular level. 

Many people experience improved energy in the first few days or weeks. However, everyone’s body is different, so what you may or may not "feel" can depend on your individual needs and lifestyle. 

You have years of wear and tear on your body, so it won't be fixed overnight. But be assured it is working to help you and your cells stay energized and resilient day after day.

Backed by Extraordinary Science

 Tru Niagen® is a supernutrient that ignites youthful energy deep in your cells by safely and efficiently replenishing NAD+.

The key to healthy aging is to proactively target your cells, the foundation of what makes you, you.

As you age, it gets harder for your body to recover from daily wear and tear. You can feel slower, you have less energy, and you begin to lose a certain pep in your step.

This is due, in part, to a decline in NAD+, a naturally produced coenzyme in your body which is indispensable for your basic functions in life...

Until now.


Owned & Licensed Patents


Published Research Studies


Global Research Collaborations

Unlock the Full Benefits of Our Supernutrient

If you tried Tru Niagen® 100mg and you're ready to take your NAD+ to the next level, try Tru Niagen® 300mg. Each capsule contains our recommended serving of our supernutrient to energize, support, and repair your cells.

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Everyday Stressors that Affect Your Health & NAD+ Decline

Tru Niagen® is designed to help you bounce back from daily stressors such as:  

Excess Sun Exposure

Sleep Disruption

Sedentary Lifestyle


Your Healthy Aging Journey Starts Today